Participate in our design competition!

Participate in our design competition!

We are organising a design competition. Not that we are out of ideas, but because we ourselves once started that way. In fact, the idea for our very first duvet cover ('Le Clochard') with cardboard box print came about during a design competition. Organised by the bedding department of Dutch departmentstore V&D in 2002. Our Le-Clochard design did not take the crown…. What a bummer...or was it? Because ultimately SNURK was born because of it! Find out if you have designer potential and enter the competition. The winning design will be included in the SNURK collection! 


  1. Design a duvet cover print that fits into the SNURK collection. Download your canvas here: an empty duvet cover.
    Also take a look at our bedding collection for inspiration 

Keywords for extra inspiration are: photographic, realistic, original, creative, conceptual, funny, interactive, surprising, beautiful.

  1. Send your entry to by 12 June 2024, stating your name, phone number(s), e-mail address and name of your design. Mention 'SNURK 2024 design competition' in the subject line. By entering the competition, you also agree to the terms and conditions (in Dutch)

Your print design does not have to be production ready, but it does have to be worked out in such a way that we can see at a glance what the idea is. This may also be a sketch, a low-resolution photo of something you have made or your own a.i. creation. Download your canvas here: an empty duvet cover.


Ted (aged 9) always drew Sunny with sunglasses on. This became the inspiration of the Sunny Glasses print the summer of 2022.

This rollercoaster print was conceived by Yordi Hoskam (16 years old) who is a fan of fast rollercoasters himself. How genius? 


Your own design, immortalised on a duvet cover in the SNURK collection. Your name mentioned on our website, with the product.
A SNURK gift voucher worth €500. 
The winning duvet cover to give away to family and/or friends. (worth €1000)


  • You can enter the design competition from 12 April to 12 June 2024.
  • Only designs submitted digitally by email to will be judged.
  • Designs will be judged by a professional jury employed by SNURK.
  • Adding extra textual explanation to your design is appreciated, but is not a requirement. The print must be able to stand on its own.
  • The winning print will be released in autumn 2024.
  • It is forbidden to infringe copyrights or property rights of others, so your design must be yours.
  • Submit a maximum of 1 design per person.
  • There is no minimum or maximum age for participation, however, children should seek parental consent.
  • The design must fit in with the other SNURK designs.
  • Should it prove technically impossible to actually produce the winning design, SNURK reserves the right to exchange it for another design, based on the other entries. 
  • SNURK reserves the right to use the designs for promotional purposes.
  • SNURK has the intention, but not the obligation, to realise the winning design and include it (temporarily) in its product range.
  • Read the full terms and conditions here. (in Dutch)


Have fun designing!

9 Kommentare


Wat een fantastische ontwerpwedstrijd een hele uitdaging! De ideeën kwamen van alle kanten uit m’n gezin. M’n man wierp iets op en m’n dochter bedacht daar nog een leuk detail bij en ik voerde het uit. En m’n zoon beoordeelde dat we het maar eens moesten inzenden. De ultieme samenwerking en wie weet slapen we straks onder ons ontwerp, zo leuk


Ik heb mijn ontwerp ook ingezonden. Het zou erg leuk zijn als dit in het echt word gemaakt. Ik ben benieuwd.

Natasja van Straten

Mijn ontwerp heb ik zojuist ingezonden. En nu hopen dat het mooi genoeg is zodat mijn dochter straks onder een voor haar heel persoonlijk dekbed kan slapen!


Wat een super leuke actie! 🥳


Leuke actie ik zal er eens een nachtje over slapen😄 om het idee op papier te zetten

Hinterlasse einen Kommentar