Read this bedtime story...

Read this bedtime story...

In 2007, SNURK came into existence almost by accident when we created the Le-Clochard cardboard bedding to support the Dutch Homeless Youth Foundation. Initially, this duvet cover was meant to be a creative campaign: with a minimal budget (our own savings), we aimed to capture maximum attention and raise awareness. Additionally, a significant portion of the proceeds went directly to the foundation.

Text: Peggy van Neer, founder/co-owner of SNURK.
Image: Unicorn duvet cover: order here.

The plan succeeded...
And how! The bedding gained both national and international recognition, with mentions in outlets like De Volkskrant, RTL Boulevard, the New York Times, and Architectural Digest. To our great surprise, the product not only garnered the attention we hoped for but also led to an overwhelming amount of positive feedback and impressive sales. In the end, we donated an astounding €100,000 to the foundation (and counting).

"Can we get more of these unique duvet covers, please?" people from all corners of the world asked in emails that flooded our inbox.

Keep in mind, this was about 17 years ago, a time when the internet was still in its infancy. Most people still bought beautiful bedding at their local specialty shop. But with all the unexpected attention, we started to believe that there might be a market for creative and bold bedding. The message was clear: people were looking for something different, something unique for their bedroom.

From that point on, we expanded our horizons. We asked ourselves: what if we designed bedding that was not only functional but also brought a smile to your face? What if we could create prints that sparked the imagination, both for children and adults? Determined, we embraced this challenge and began crafting themes and designs that seemed to come straight out of a child’s dream.

But we wanted to go beyond just being creative; we also wanted to contribute to a better world. That’s why we use only organic cotton for all our products. Not just for the environment, but also to ensure that our customers can enjoy bedding that is both sustainable and comfortable. By choosing organic cotton, we reduce our ecological footprint and support fairer working conditions in the cotton industry.

We introduced duvet covers with bold, large prints of astronauts, princesses, dinosaurs, and unicorns—images that literally bring children’s dreams to life. Our bedding quickly gained popularity, not just for its quality but especially for its originality. Each design was a small piece of art, created with care and attention to detail.

Our emphasis on creativity, originality, and sustainability has helped us stand out in a market that is often seen as dull and, well, sleepy. We didn’t just want to be another brand making bedding; we wanted to make a difference. We aimed to be a brand that inspires people, sparks their imagination, and operates responsibly. In an industry where shades of gray and simple patterns are the norm, we are the standout, sustainable exception.

That’s why we like to think of ourselves as the ‘unicorn’ in the bedding market. Like a unicorn, we are unique, rare, and a little magical. We continue to strive to create products that are not only practical but also bring joy, creativity, and sustainability into everyday life. Because ultimately, that’s what SNURK is all about: making horizontal life a little more fun and a little greener, one bed at a time.